Staff and Boosters
Riverside Band Boosters Mission Statement--We are a dedicated group of parents, faculty and friends that support the school district's instrumental music program. Our purpose is to enhance the overall musical education for the Riverside Local School's students--elementary through high school. We supplement the Board of Education's support and provide additional resources for musical development as requested by the band directors. We believe the link between a musical education and all other areas of education should be strengthened to the greatest extent possible.
Mr. Ray Strimpel--President
Mrs. Carmella Poggemeyer--Vice President
Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs-Treasurer
Mrs. Jennifer Swietlik--Secretary
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David Schwartz--Director (
Brad Allen--Assistant Director (
Glenn Obergefell--Assistant Marching Band Director (
Jeff Wolf--Assistant Marching Band Director
Gina Cireddu--Majorette Advisor (