Updated 8/6/24
As a show of gratitude, we provide refreshments for visiting bands (as well as the Regiment) during the third quarter of each home game. This gives the students a chance to mix and socialize with the students from visiting bands. Each squad/auxiliary is assigned a specific week (see below) when they are required to bring in at least one dozen items (something homemade!) Thanks for your help. It makes third quarters a deliciously good time!
Game 1 -- Aug. 23 vs. NDCL Squads -- 1, 2, 11a
Game 4 -- Sept. 13 vs. Austintown (Mass Band) Squads -- 3, 4, 8, Majos
Game 7 -- Oct. 4 vs. North (Alumni Band) Squads -- 5, 7a, 9, 10
Game 8 -- Oct. 11 vs. Kenston Squads -- 6, 7b, 11b, FC, PS, PT
Game 10 -- Oct. 25 vs. Chardon Squads -- PB, PO, C, Flags, Dance